BIC / SWIFT checker

Validate your BIC / SWIFT and verify bank information quickly and easily

Enter a BIC / SWIFT code below to check it is valid and confirm the bank name and bank address.

Check BIC / SWIFT code
This BIC / SWIFT code is {{ details.titleSubstring }}
{{ details.code }}
Bank name
{{ details.bankName }}
Bank address
{{ details.bankAddress }}
{{ details.bankCity }}
{{ details.bankPostCode }}
{{ details.bankCountry }}
{{ details.message }}
Server error
Please try again later or contact us if the issue persists.

What is a BIC / SWIFT?

A BIC / SWIFT code is a code used to identify a particular bank and branch. If you're making an international payment it's likely that you'll need a BIC / SWIFT code to tell the sending bank or payment service where to send your funds. 

Are a BIC code and a SWIFT code different?

No. BICs (Bank Identification Codes) and SWIFT codes are the same and the terms can be used interchangeably.

What does a BIC / SWIFT code look like?

A BIC / SWIFT code is made up of 8-11 characters and follows a consistent format. Each BIC / SWIFT is constructed of four parts which are as follows:


  • AAAA - This is the  code used to identify the bank (e.g. Barclays, HSBC, Wells Fargo etc)
  • BB - This is the code for the country in which the bank is located
  • CC - This is the code for the region in which the bank's head office is located
  • DDD - This is the branch code which tells you the location of the account holding branch (optional) 

Do I need a BIC / SWIFT code?

If you're making an international payment you'll need the BIC / SWIFT to tell your bank where to send funds. This should be provided by the recipient.

If you're receiving an international payment you'll need to provide your payer with your BIC / SWIFT. It should be visible on your bank statement. You can receive funds via Money Mover in all the currencies we support.

Always check your BIC / SWIFT before making a payment. If it is incorrect it's likely that your payment will be returned.

Read our blog about SWIFT payments